&pizza at Artscape
Check out what we accomplished...
90 Degree Fahrenheit temperatures and boiling eggs on sidewalks didn’t deter the thousands of Baltimoreans who came out to participate in one of America’s largest Music and Art festivals, being held right in their backyard of Baltimore, Maryland. The OrcaVue team was also out in full force ready to take on the heat. Their goal? To get the message out at ArtScape that &Pizza had just opened up their first store in Baltimore several days ago. Utilizing an 11 foot circular truss, fully equipped with customized &Pizza branding, it was difficult for the OrcaVue 360 Video Booth to not to catch the attention of those walking by. Working synergistically with professional brand ambassadors who were equipped with iPads showing the 360 bullet-time videos that the OrcaVue booth was creating, onlookers turned into eager participants and the &Pizza booth soon gathered a crowd that wasn’t going anywhere. Smiles, laughter, and really really good pizza was the theme at the OrcaVue booth for the next 4 days, and provided the fuel needed to generate almost 1,000 slow-motion 360 videos for festival goers.